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Safer, Smarter Kids- Fourth and Fifth Grade Vocabulary

Identity – All your ideas, beliefs, and strengths that make you who you are.

Privacy – Keeping others from seeing or hearing things that are personal; your body, personal information, and even your thoughts.

Respect – Your right to be treated like you are valuable and important.

Right – An individual freedom that you are entitled to.

Safety – The right to feel comfortable, happy, and safe in your surroundings.

Voice – Your right to be heard and to share your opinions, needs, fears or hopes.

Safety NETwork – Your group of trusted adults and friends who will keep you safe.

Trusted Adult – A grown-up who will help you make safe decisions and protect you.

Voice – Your right to be heard and to share your opinions, needs, fears or hopes.

Body Boundary – The personal space that surrounds you.

Privacy – Keeping others from seeing or hearing things that are personal; your body, personal information, and even your thoughts.

Private Parts – The private parts of your body that are covered by your bathing suit.

Reporting – Telling about something that involves your safety.

TFA – Think, Feel, Act.

Tattling – A complaint about someone that does not involve your safety.

Unsafe Secret – A secret that makes you feel confused, scared or “icky” and you are told not to share. But must tell right away.

Violation – Breaking a rule. A body boundary violation is an unsafe touch; not showing respect for body boundaries.

Unique – What’s different about you.

Expectations – What others want you to be or to do.

Identity – All of your ideas, beliefs, and strengths that make you who you are.

Friend – Someone that you like and trust.

Responsibility(ies) – A duty